“There’s too much data today and there will be too much data in the future by a factor of a thousand.”
– Ben Hoffman.
In the new age of information, and of technology influenced by it, these words cannot ring truer. The concept of Information Technology (IT) has continually evolved. As the applications of information continue to grow in the 21st century, IT is no longer just about storing information or searching the web.
The advancement of IT has enhanced its capabilities. Even a decade ago, we couldn’t have imagined how much IT would be able to achieve, from analysing data and answering complex queries, to predicting future events, extrapolating insights, and even offering advise.
IT has evolved to include subsets like analytics, engineering, programming, and yes, even security.
IT security safeguards business’ confidential and sensitive information. Security experts develop strategies that help businesses prevent unauthorised access to assets like data, networks, hardware, and software, stopping cyber attackers from wreaking havoc.
But IT security is also varied, covering many different areas. Let’s explore the different types of IT security to understand its scope and how it can help make your company’s systems impenetrable.
Different Types of IT Security
- Network Security
Network security is one of the most common IT solutions. It’s all about keeping interactions between your networks and your various devices secure.SANS Institute defines network security as a solution that protects the main network of a business from any threats, including unauthorised access, compromised sensitive information, malfunctioning network connections, adjustments to sharing settings, and much more.
A common misconception is that Network security only affects software, but in reality, it also applies to hardware like routers, computer systems, mobile devices, and so much more. This makes it safe, secure and easy for employees to access the resources that they need without compromising a business’ security.
One of the first places that IT security companies like Solid Systems look at when analysing your network security, is its configuration. For example, they may install detection software to highlight irregular login attempts, add application whitelisting, end-to-end encryption, or recommend two-factor authentication.
Once your network is securely configured, the next step is to analyse user behaviour, so that any strange behaviour patterns trigger warnings. This ensures that breaches are quickly caught and prevented, and secures your network communications.
- Internet Security
Internet security, or cybersecurity, makes sure that data is safe when it’s in transit. For instance, hackers often try to intercept communications after they’ve been sent, but before they’ve been received on the other end. This becomes particularly problematic when you’re sending an official email with sensitive information. Cybersecurity solutions help businesses to avoid this situation.One of the main internet security tools that companies use to protect against cyber threats is encryption. This essentially scrambles data so that only users with a public or private “key” can access the information stored in the email.
And encryption is hardly limited to just email security. It also protects data that’s being transferred to cloud storage.
- Endpoint Security
Every new device that gets added to a company’s network increases the potential threat. While network security mostly deals with a business’ hardware and software, an endpoint security solution is more about keeping personal or individual devices like mobiles, computers, and tablets safe from unauthorised access.Endpoint security solutions could include encryption, data controls, user permissions, app controls, and even intrusion detection. App controls in particular help businesses avoid unauthorised downloads, often stopping malware in its tracks, while encryption and user permissions stop unwanted eyes from gaining access to sensitive information.
But with so many devices accessing your network, often spread around the world, how can you make sure that your endpoint security solutions are being applied across the board? It’s simple – you can install endpoint security on your business’ servers so that whenever a new restriction is put in place, the update is also pushed to all the connected devices. This helps you monitor your employee devices and safeguard your information.
- Cloud Security
In today’s digital environment, identities, apps, and data are no longer being stored on devices, but are in the cloud instead. Since most conventional security measures don’t cover cloud storage, cloud security has seen a huge surge across software as a service (SaaS) apps around the globe.To ensure top-notch data safety, cloud security offers multi-factor authentication and encryption at every level. To boost this security even further, IT security companies offer extra tools and further strategies like Unified Threat Management and Secure Internet Gateways to protect essential data while it’s being transferred to and stored on the cloud.
- Applications Security
In the age of apps, most customers want the convenience of downloading their software on smartphones and every other device that they use. But without applications security, this would be a risky decision for both the app user and the business making it. Application security makes sure that apps can be accessed securely by customers, even while they’re in the process of being developed.This approach helps IT professionals identify vulnerabilities since they have access to high-end security measures from the get-go and can see specific code and address any concerns quickly and easily, straight from the app.
Get Secured, Get Ahead
The way that information is exchanged and processed is constantly evolving, and it’s seeing information security grow and adapt as well. IT security companies like Solid Systems offer a diverse range of solutions, which can help safeguard your business from cyber threats. Get secured, and get ahead of your competitors by making your network and information as secure as possible.
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